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Competitive Programming platforms

Competitive programming is a “mind sport” like a quiz show or a chess tournament. Contestants are given a set of programming problems, and they have to write programs to solve them. In most cases, programs are submitted to an online judge, which verifies that they produce the correct answer and don’t run longer than a specified time limit. Participants are scored according to how quickly they submit a correct and sufficiently fast program. They may also have a chance to submit challenges to try to stump their colleagues’ programs.


Hello !! This is the tiny part of the web for coders.Through this website coders easily find the varities of coding platforms so that they can practice question and participate in various platform. I would love to hear suggestion from you .Feel free to contact me !! akshatvermanike@gmailcom

testimonial Akshat verma Web Developer

Coding assessments and simulators when put together, filter and screen fresh campus talent, or lateral hiring candidates at scale to help understand the core competency of a candidate and help hire the best potential talent to take on a variety of technical tasks in the future. Lovelace’s insights were so far ahead of their time, they were lost for a century and only rediscovered in the 1940s, as the first working computers appeared” (Klein).

testimonial Ada Lovelace world's first computer programmer.